【城市设计】你就是“更具魅力滨水区”的塑造者 ——浦东新区民生码头8万吨筒仓周边地区等你来设计!

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📝 规划笔记——推荐一则来自上海规土的文章,摘录如下:











为积极落实上海 2035 总体规划要求,2018上海城市设计挑战赛聚焦本市两条重要河流滨水区的打造——即黄浦江苏州河。设想通过滨水地区改造,进一步提升滨水空间的功能和品质,使之成为世界级滨水活动带。本次挑战赛的选题之一,为黄浦江东岸的重要节点地区——浦东新区民生码头 8 万吨筒仓周边地区,以“更具魅力的滨水区”为主题,探索滨水区公共空间品质提升的可行路径。

Shanghai government has actively implemented the requirements of Shanghai 2035 and focused on the construction of the waterfront areas of two important rivers in the city - the Huangpu River and the Suzhou River. All these efforts are supposed to further improve the function and quality of the waterfront spaces through a series of reconstruction work, making these waterfront areas a world-class waterfront belt. This competition themed “More Attractive Waterfront Area” selects theNeighboring Area of 80,000-ton Silo in Minsheng Port in Pudong New Area, as the target site to explore a feasible way to improve the space quality of the waterfront areas.

2017 年,上海市完成了黄浦江东岸公共空间贯通工程,实现了漫步跑步骑行三道贯通。本次竞赛基地是是黄浦江东岸南部的一个重要节点。项目旨在完善地区公共功能,优化地区公共空间体系,提升公共艺术氛围和环境品质。将该地区打造成为市民可充分共享的滨水公共活动区域。

By 2017, Shanghai has completed the project to connects all public spaces on the East Bank of the Huangpu River, linking up the rambling, running and riding zones. The target site of this competition is an important node on the eastern bank of the Huangpu River. Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2017 was held in the 80,000-ton silo which is located in the target site. Many citizens of Shanghai were attracted to participate in this art season, making this site well known in the society. We want to improve the public functions of this site, optimize public space systems and enhance public artistic atmosphere and environmental quality here. Our aim is to build this site into a waterfront public space which can be used to hold large fairs, art events, art exhibition, artworks trades, cultural performance, creative design and boutique hotels, and fully shared by all citizens of Shanghai.



本次竞赛设计范围为民生路-黄浦江南岸-内环高架路-浦东大道,占地面积约 64 公顷,滨江岸线约 1.1 公里。

The target site ranges from Minsheng Road, the south bank of Huangpu River, inner-ring overhead highways to Pudong Avenue, covering an area of about 64 hectares and extending along the bank line for 1.1 kilometers.


在根据《浦东新区黄浦江沿岸单元(杨浦大桥至徐浦大桥)控详规划局部调整(暨浦东新区黄浦江滨江开放贯通规划)》(沪府规(2016)0187 号),贯通设计对其功能定位建议为:以滨水生态休闲、文化展示为核心,体现码头地区更新,兼顾研发办公和现代居住的城市公共滨水区。

According to the Partial Adjustment of the Regulatory Plan (and the Plan for the Open Space along the Waterfront Area of the Huangpu River in Pudong New Area) for the Coastal Units Along the Huangpu River in the Pudong New Area (from Yangpu Bridge to Xupu Bridge) (H.F.G. (2016) No. 0187), the suggestion on the function positioning for the design of the open space is as follows: to build an urban public waterfront space which centers on the waterfront ecological leisure and cultural exhibition, highlights the upgrading of the port area, and integrates scientific researches, business offices and modern residences.



设计范围为民生路-黄浦江南岸-内环高架路-浦东大道。占地面积约 64 公顷。

The design scope includes Minsheng Road, the south bank of Huangpu River, inner-ring overhead highways to Pudong Avenue, covering an area of about 64 hectares.



现状基地以商务办公、普通住宅和城市在待建用地为主,有包括浦东滨江公共空间、曾举办过“2017 上海城市空间艺术季”的工业遗产“8 万吨筒仓”等公共设施、以及公房小区和部分在建的高端住宅小区。这一地区滨水公共空间已贯通,但腹地至滨江的公共空间体系尚待改善,公共空间品质尚待提升,多个公共空间通道和节点需要深化设计。

The land in the target site is mainly used for business offices, ordinary residences and other projects to be built, including public facilities (e.g., public spaces in Pudong and Binjiang, 80,000-ton silo where Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2017 was held, etc.), public housing communities and a part of high-end residences under construction. The waterfront public spaces in this site have been connected with each other. However, the public space system and public space quality from the hinterland to the waterfront area still needs to be improved, and the design of many public space channels and nodes must be deepened.



根据已批控规《上海市黄浦江沿岸 E8E10 单元 E15 E16 E38(部分)街坊控制性详细规划局部调整(实施深化)》(沪府(2013)0038 号),和《浦东新区黄浦江沿岸单元(杨浦大桥至徐浦大桥)控详规划局部调整(暨浦东新区黄浦江滨江开放贯通规划)》(沪府规(2016)0187 号),已批控规图则拼合和附加图则如下(详见下载数据):

According to the approved regulatory plans Partial Adjustment (for implementation and deepening) of the Regulatory Plan for the Neighborhood of E15, E16 and E38 (Partial) in Units E8 and E10 along the Huangpu River in Shanghai (H.F. (2013) No. 0038) and Partial Adjustment of the Regulatory Plan (and the Plan for the Open Space along the Waterfront Area of the Huangpu River in Pudong New Area) for the Coastal Units Along the Huangpu River in the Pudong New Area (from Yangpu Bridge to Xupu Bridge) (H.F.G. (2016) No. 0187), the assembly and additional plans approved in the regulatory plans are as follows (see the download data for details):





现状“8 万吨筒仓”所在地块为置换用地,其他部分地块为在待建用地和保留用地,具体地块属性可查询相关控制性详细规划。

Within the overall research scope, the plot where the “80,000-ton silo” is situated is the land for urban upgrading, and other plots are lands to be constructed and preserved. Please see the regulatory plan for detailed properties of each specific plot. Please see the drawings for buildings recommended to be preserved within the detailed design scope.





We have clear intention on the transformation of buildings recommended to be preserved, and give the following suggestions: 



方案需在“设计范围”重点研究 “腹地至滨江的公共空间联系”“提升公共空间品质”、 “城市色彩”等问题,形成研究成果。在此基础上,开展“自选节点”设计,将研究成果加以落实,形成可实施的具体方案。

The designs submitted shall focus on the researches that can address problems such as “the connections between public spaces from hinterland to the waterfront area” or how to “improve the quality of public spaces” or “enhance urban charms” within the “Design Scope”, and form research results. On this basis, Participants can conduct the design of the “selected target site(s)” by implementing the research results within the “Overall Research Scope”, forming detailed feasible solutions.



The design objective is to build the target site into a more attractive waterfront district which has a more comfortable and colorful atmosphere and more pleasant environment given consideration to both historical memory and the needs of modern activities: special attention shall be paid to urban public activities, and it must be ensured that people can roam from this site to the green space in Pudong.





(1)Study the connections between public spaces from hinterland to Binjiang, build a public space system with continuous openness and high accessibility.

(2)Pay attention to the activities and needs of people living in this city, formulate the strategy to improve the quality of public spaces based on current situation and the existing urban design, and design a humanized and high-quality public space.

(3)Combine big data analysis and carry out urban color research.





Participants can deepen their designs within the “Design Scope” of their selected target sites, and focus on the following issues:

(1)Select at least one public space channel for detailed design in the public channel between hinterland and the waterfront areas, as defined in the “Requirement on the Research within the ‘Design Scope’”.

(2)Deepen the design for the important nodes of low quality within the

“Overall Research Scope”, and focus on improving the quality of public spaces.





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